Thursday, April 19, 2007

try to know who am i iam who sold his age and bought you iam the person who did his best to satisfy you iam the person who loved you in silence but his eyes told you his feelings iam the person who you didinot notice not even for one second iam the person who you had hurted his feelings with out ant mercy
so have you reconized me?


  1. hi nanny
    it's too hard to get such feelings from one side !!
    just be sure when you give evry thing to someone that he desrive your love
    or will get alot of pains
    take care

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i know that ofcourse but it would be difficult to stop loving any one even if it was from one side and thanks to god i did not expose to this situation so thnx 4 ur comment
